Sunday, May 31, 2020

THE BROWNIE TIMES 5:15 PM Sunday, May 31

Evening Update

We were not able to setup a FaceTime call today.  However the kind nurse allowed mom to talk with dad over the speaker phone.  Mom talked for about 1-2 minutes.  Once she was done she asked the nurse if dad had any response.  The nurse said dad opened his eyes and looked around from mom.  His eyes were completely open!  Mom had a very relieved look on her face when she ended the call with the nurse.  It was like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders for the first time in 2 weeks. 

We will try again tomorrow for a FaceTime calls and be able to hopefully report more activity.

Again thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.

THE BROWNIE TIMES 10:28 AM Sunday, May 31

Good Morning Family and Friends!

As family members we have ran into a few glitches in the flow of information.  We have heard a few rumors and we want to set the record straight this morning.......

Rumor #1
Brownie will be home Monday June 1st.

Brownie is still not completely awake and aware of where he is. As part of our research we have confirmed with doctors that he will be fighting tiredness for several weeks.  As of yesterday the doctors told us Brownie will be in the Neuro ICU for at least 5 more days but up to an additional 10 days depending on his improvement.  Once he is out of the Neuro ICU he will be transferred to a care facility until he is ready to begin rehab. 

Rumor #2
Brownie had a heart-attack.

No Brownie's heart is perfectly healthy.  It's his brain we are worried about!

We ask that if any of the people using this blog for information regarding Brownie's medical case to help our family to keep rumor's at a minimum.  You are invited to direct concerned friends and family  members to this Blog for updates or information regarding anything posted to the blog by either Carrie or Kendall.  We read all the comments to make sure if there are questions we can help address it.  So keep putting in those comments I know mom enjoys reading them.

Case Update:
We spoke to dad's nurse this morning and it looks like dad is responding more to his surrounding.  The nurse says he keeps moving his legs and he still hates having his sheet and blankets tucked round his legs.  (Now I know where I got it from when in the ICU almost 20 years ago!). The nurse said that dad's eyes are opening fully and he looks around his room.  He is still unable to talk because of the tracheotomy.  However he is able to breathe on his own during the day with a nasal cannula providing oxygen. He only uses the ventilator through the tracheotomy tube at night.

The doctor have decided to wean him off the drain in his brain ("drain in his brain" reminds me of a line in an old Danny Kaye movie called Court Jester.  "The vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true").  The nurses will start monitoring the pressure of the brain fluid to see if dad can handle it.  If he can they will increase the pressure a little bit at a time. 

We will be trying to FaceTime him today if it can be arranged.  The Social Worker assigned dad case has the weekends off but the nurse will try to find us an other person to help us with that.

Again we thank all those who have been supporting us through this trying time.  We are so grateful to have our family and friends that have become part of our extended family.  May God bless you with the knowledge that He has a plan for each of us and if we listen He will guide us through the many trials we are faced with in this life.

Wedding Picture.  August 24, 1967

Saturday, May 30, 2020

THE BROWNIE TIMES 9:28 AM Saturday, May 30

Today started early!  Mom got a phone call at 7:00 ish this morning from Dr. Young an anesthesiologist for general surgery and a Dr. Wagstaff a general surgeon.  The doctors feel like the feeding tube in dads nose needs to be relocated directly to his stomach.  They are preforming this surgery this morning and  we will hear from them once they have completed the procedure.

Mom is in good spirts this morning and has decided to go to the cemetery to pick memorial day flowers whiles it is cool.  She was able to take some time to herself and visited with a good family friend which lifted her spirits.

Mom has asked that we thank everyone for the well wishes and prayers.  She's looking forward to being with dad once the visitation policies at the U of U Hospital have changed.  We have kept her pretty secluded these last copy of weeks to keep her from becoming infected with COVID or any thing else.  She doesn't want to get sick and not be allowed to see dad.

Again we would like to invite anyone to get us any audio file of your voice reading a book, newspaper article, telling jokes, telling stories, or reading scriptures.  You can send any files to Carrie at or Kendall at

Thanks again for all the support and love.

Thought for the day!

Friday, May 29, 2020

The Brownie Times 10:00 AM Friday, May 29

Hello All!

Today was another day of rinse and repeat. Mom, Trent, Carrie, Kendall and the girls got to FaceTime with dad this morning. There was no new major news today. But, we did find out dad hates his feet covered.

We also have a challenge for everyone. As usual keep the prayers coming. But, we are also compiling an audio file for dad to listen to. So, we would like to ask anyone who would like to join in, to record yourself reading something for dad. Wether it is an article, short stories, or jokes. Just record yourself reading something that dad would enjoy hearing and we will get it all together and out to him so he can hear everyone’s voices. You can send it to Carrie at or Kendall at 

Thank you all again for everything and we can’t wait to hear what you come up with. 

The Tomlinson Clan

Thursday, May 28, 2020

THE BROWNIE TIMES 12:36 PM Thursday, May 28

Here is the skinny!

Dad's doctors have been trying to call mom but her phone is not working properly since the 17th and dad's phone wasn't setup for wifi-calling.  I am currently working on dad's phone so that the calls will come through even when we haven't got a great mobile carrier signal. 

The U of U now have the right phone number to contact if one phone doesn't go through. 

We appreciate all of the patience our family members and friend have shown these all few days with the updates.  It's one of those issue we are addressing even as I type this update.

Mom got to FaceTime with dad today.  He didn't really respond too much to mom's, Shawn's or my own voice.   But it was good to see him.  Especially for mom!  She misses dad so much and to be apart from each other like this is very trying and extremely emotion for her.  She has been handling all this pretty well considering it's a high stress situation.  But yesterday and this morning have taken their toll and she is on strict orders from Shawn and myself to lay down and sleep for a while. 

The doctors will call this afternoon between 1 and 4 pm.  If we don't hear from them by 4:30 pm we will contact our Social Worker for dad's case and she will do her level best to track down the doctors and light a fire under their butts.

As a family we continue to ask for your support in ways like prayer, fasting and mental hugs for those of you far away.  We love and appreciate you all for the support you have been giving or sent to us. 

We pray daily thanking Our Heavenly Father for our family, adopted family and our good friends.  We have felt the many prayers you have given on behalf of Brownie and Wendy. 

Again, may Our Heaven Father continue to bless dad and all of you who know and love the man I call PopPop!

THE BROWNIE TIMES 9:34 AM Thursday, May 28

Good Morning All!

Yesterday was a hard day.  We know that dad got through the procedure to place a tracheotomy in his throat for breathing purposes.  However again we haven't heard from the Dr's!  Shawn and mom spent most of last night trying to get a hold of a doctor.  They spoke with nurses, the charge nurse but still no phone call.

Mom spoke with the social worker on dad's case this morning and she is trying to help us get more information from the doctors.  We are hoping they will call us the morning before I go to work.

We have been gathering things for dad, pictures, audio files, music.  If any of you have a card or something you think will help him fill more at home at the hospital you can drop it by the house or email it Kendall or myself. 

We will keep you updated on the progress as we get more information.

Picture of mom and dad, not sure when it was taken but it's one of my favorite pictures.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

THE BROWNIE TIMES Wednesday, May 27

Hey All!

Just wanted to let you know that dad made it through the tracheotomy very well. We have no other new information. Thanks again for everything.

The Tomlinson Clan

Mom and Dad with Grandson Kordell

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Hello All!

We heard from the doctor today. Because dad is still so sleepy and unable to protect his airway they are going to be doing a tracheostomy tomorrow. His procedure will be around noon. This will end up being better for dad. It will be more comfortable and make it easier for him to breath. This also helps with the prevention of pneumonia due to the breathing tube that he currently has in. They are also giving him antibiotics right now as a preventative measure for pneumonia because he spiked a fever a few days ago. They are also hoping this will help him get off of the ventilator sooner rather than later. It will also be easier to test wether or not he can handle being off of the ventilator.

We also found out that he will be in ICU longer than we originally expected. We still don't know the extent of damage that has been done. It will take time for the blood that leaked during the rupture to clear out so that they can get a clear MRI.

Right now mom is asking for a fast for dad. That the procedure tomorrow will go smooth and the doctors will be able to do everything that they need to. Please also send good vibes and prayers moms way. So that she may be able to stay calm and have peace of mind. Thank you all again for everything.

The Tomlinson Clan

                                          Dad Loves his grand babies!

THE BROWNIE TIMES 9:34 AM Tuesday, May 26

Another day of rinse and repeat!

We are still waiting on Doctors to call!  Shawn has threatened that if we haven't heard back by noon, he will take matters into his own hands!  Scary thought right?

No changes during the night, still being given pain medication. 

Again Mom says thanks for all the well wishes and prayers.  We will continue to update the blog daily or bi-daily if we get additional information and updates.

The thought for the day

Monday, May 25, 2020

THE BROWNIE TIMES 10:50 AM Monday, May 25

Good Memorial Day!

This weekend as been a quiet one for our family.  We have been waiting 2 days to talk with a doctor on dad's case.  We have spoken to the nurses and PA's who have answered many questions.

This is the stage Carrie calls: Hurry Up And Wait!

It's a waiting game now.  Doctors, nurses and PA's all say we have to wait and see to do more testing.  I know many of you family and friends have questions about dad's case.  However since we have to wait until dad is more awake and aware so that the medical team can do cognitive testings.

Today, Dad's nurse has confirmed that the medical team is working on a plan to get the breathing tube and ventilator turned off so that dad can breathe on his own.

Yesterday's FaceTime call had many family members talking with dad. We had additional family members here to visit with dad: Chellena and Tom, Russell and Rashell.

We are hoping to be able to talk with a doctor on Dad's medical team today.  There will not be any FaceTime calls today as it's a holiday.

The last few days mom has stayed busy with memorial day lists.  She has been to the cemeteries in Roosevelt and Vernal to decorate graves.

Again we would like to thank everyone for the prays and well wishes.  Mom thanks Heavenly Father for all the support that has been given to our family.

Thought for the day!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

THE BROWNIE TIMES 12:00 PM Sunday, May 24

The great news for today:

Sorry it's been a couple of busy days.  Mom and Shawn spoke with the nurse this morning.  Dad is now move the left side of his body on verbal comments.  Yesterday during the FaceTime call dad moved both the left and right legs.  This morning the nurse said that he squeezed the nurses hand 2 times at the first check of the nurses shift.

The Doctors haven't done rounds yet today and we didn't get any calls from the Nero team yesterday.  We have put in a request for doctor to contact us today.  Once we hear from them we will update the Blog.

Again mom expresses her gratitude for all the faith and prayers that everyone has been doing on behave of the Brownie Tomlinson Family.

One of the last picture of Dad with adopted great-grand

Saturday, May 23, 2020


Hello All!

This is a little late but here we go. Yesterday afternoon we were able to FaceTime with dad. Yesterday daddy decided to dance with us. As Carrie said, in the post below, his type of aneurysm makes him sleepy and hard to open his eyes. So that just was not happening yesterday. But as each of us talked to him his foot would just start a going. So we each got to dance with him for just a second. We have another FaceTime set up for this afternoon so hopefully more of his kids and grandkids will get to talk to him.

For those of you wondering how mom is doing. She is doing amazing with everything that is going on. She has stayed strong and kept herself busy. She's just so incredibly grateful for all of the blessings that Heavenly Father has given us over the last week. She of course is ready at a moments notice to run when they allow her to actually be with dad. But right now that still isn't an option. Please continue to keep hope and prayer in your hearts. We love you all.

Much Love,

The Tomlinson Clan

Friday, May 22, 2020

THE BROWNIE TIMES 4:00 PM Friday, May 22

Today has been a pretty good day for Dad.  Mom got to talk with dad's doctor this afternoon and we have more updated information to give out.  I can only hope that I don't get too technical on any of you!  If I do let me know........

Previous to the surgery, dad's aneurysm had bled into the space between the arteries and the frontal lobe of the brain.  The doctors in Vernal found the blood in the spinal fluid of the spinal tap that was performed on Sunday evening. This led the Vernal team to contact the U of U Neuro department.

Dad's type of aneurysm is called an ACOM aneurysm.  ACOM stands for the Anterior Communication Artery.  This group of arteries are located in the space behind the eye's and the brain called the subarachnoid space that is filled with brain fluid.  When there is an aneurysm there it can be difficult to treat.  This is why the surgeons on dad's case decided to do the coil embolization to treat dad's aneurysm.  The coil fills the aneurysm with material that closes off the sac and reduces the risk of further bleeding.  Dad's aneurysm has a couple of side effects and it's extreme tiredness.  Until they can get dad to be more awake the U of U team says that the breathing tube stays in.

The doctors are going to do further testing to see if there are any deficits in brain function as well as motor skills.  We will update further once we have more information.

Kendall will update everyone on the FaceTime call this afternoon.

If you have any questions about today's update please put them in the comments and we (the royal we) will try to answer them or get more information from the doctors and nurses.

Again thanks for all of your support and prayers.  There has been a humbling amount of support at this time.  It's humbling to see how many lives have been touch by dad.

THE BROWNIE TIMES 12:40 PM Friday, May 22

This morning has been a busy one and we haven't had a chance to post information about Dad's case.
Dad's nurse Emily said he had a good night and he is still very groggy from the sedation and other pain medication.

We have a few questions for the doctor and should hear from him this afternoon.  Mom has also setup another FaceTime today as well.

Sorry this post is shorter than usual but there hasn't been any change in dad's condition.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

THE BROWNIE TIMES 3:45 PM Thursday, May 21

Good Evening Friends and Family!

Today has been a good day! Dad had a good night last night and then went in for an Angiogram first thing this morning. Mom was able to talk to the doctor this afternoon and he was VERY impressed at how well dad is doing for everything that he has been through. As we all know he is Strong, Sassy and a Fighter. So that was very encouraging. He also let mom know that during the Angiogram they found that dad is having very minor beta spasms (brain spasms). They will be watching these closely. But, these are pretty normal for this stage in recovery. They are also keeping his blood pressure a little high in order to keep his arteries open. This, as well as medications, will help with the spasms. They said this is the one time his high blood pressure was working in his favor.

They were able to do a FaceTime this afternoon as well. He responded to the love of his life's voice the best. He was really tired due to pain medication so he wasn't super responsive today. Carrie even tried to rile him up with a little bit of politic talk, but he wasn't quite ready for it. :) They do still have the breathing tube in as well because he is so sleepy. We are hoping that he won't be so sleepy tomorrow and will be able to get the breathing tube out. As I said earlier, the doctor is super impressed with how well he is doing.

Thank you all for the love and prayers. Please keep the Love, Prayers and Comments coming.

Much Love,

The Tomlinson Clan

THE BROWNIE TIMES 8:00 AM Thursday, May 21

Things are still improving for dad.  His nurse has reported that he is still responding to verbal commands and gain more cognitive functions.  The doctors decided to keep the air tube in until today after the angiogram.

Please feel free to comment in the comment section as dad will see those responses once we get a computer to iPad to him.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

THE BROWNIE TIMES 1 PM Wednesday, May 20

Good Evening all!

There's not a whole lot to update today as not too much has changed from yesterday. Mom was able to FaceTime with dad this afternoon. He still has his breathing tube in so he was only able to speak with his eyes. He blinked at mom as she talked with him and sent him everyones love. The nurses have said that he has been a champ.

He will go in for an angiogram tomorrow sometime to check on a few things and we should hear more about that tomorrow afternoon. But as of right now he is doing as well as can be expected if not better then expected. As we all know dad is a fighter and that will work to his advantage. 

We also Kindly ask for no visitors at the house at this time. Again, we as a family thank everyone for their continued support, prayers and love. It is so appreciated. Keep the comments and love coming so that we can show dad as soon as he is able to see them. If you need to speak with someone please call Shawn (435-790-5452) or Kendall (435-790-9252

Much Love,

The Tomlinson Clan

THE BROWNIE TIMES 8:15 AM Wednesday, May 20

We were able to talk with a doctor last night about dad.  She confirmed everything dad's nurse has told us.  There is one point to correct.  The surgeon put in 3 coils and there have been a few who thought that meant dad had 3 aneurysms.  The correction is that dad had one aneurysm that needed 3 coils.  

We should hear more today about dad's cognitive functions as well as if it's possible to take out the breathing tube.  

We are coming up with a plan to setup a zoom call once dad has his breathing tube taken out.  We will keep you all posted on being able to contact dad.

If you would like to get a message to dad please feel free to comment to these posts. Once he is awake enough to read, we will setup a tablet or computer for him at the hospital.  You can also record video's or audio files and send them to either Carrie at or Kendal at  

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

THE BROWNIE TIMES 6:30 PM Tuesday, May 19

We have more information today regarding dad's progress.  The awesome nurse who has been caring for dad (Brownie) has been able to setup to FaceTime chats with her personal iPhone because I think she realized that we need to see him.  The nurse also updated us on what was going on today with dad.  They have started to test his mental cognitive functions by giving commands to see if he can wiggle a toe or raise a hand.  His right side responds to verbal commands and his left side responds to pain stimulus.  Both are good because it means that his brain is connected to the nerves through out his body.

Mom, Shawn, Lee, Kendall and myself was able to see to see him for about 4 minutes.  He responded to mom's voice the best.  He was able to blink his eyes at us but not much more than that.

We missed the call from the Doctor Nick Gamboa, the neuro-surgeon on dad's case.  He somehow used Carries' cell which is set to Do-No-Distrub during her work hours.  We looked him up on line and decided he looked to young to be a doctor!

The nurse called back for the second FaceTime about a half hour ago.  Mom, Shawn, Lee, Erma and Carrie were able to see him.  Of course he still responded to mom's voice the best.  But it could have been the drugs.  It was a short FaceTime and we were unable to record either FaceTime today.  However, Carrie is working on getting that taken care of for tomorrow.

Everyone needs to prepare themselves to see dad.  The medical team needed to shave his head for the drain they put in to drain fluid off his brain.  He has a few marker marks above his browse in the center of his forehead as well as an other mark on his left side.  The nurse told us dad will most likely need some type of physical and occupational therapy once he is out of the ICU and when he comes home.

They will try again tomorrow to take out the breathing tube.  His stats were a little low to for him to and the medical team doesn't want to add any more stress to his system.

THE BROWNIE TIMES 10:49 AM Tuesday, May 19

We spoke to dad’s nurse this morning just before 9 am.  She said that the next 7 days are critical.  The reason is that once the aneurysm rupture it clots off.  At about 4 to 5 days these clots break up and release toxin in the brain that constricts (spasm) the arterial walls.  This could cause a stroke.  So for the next few days they will be watching for the brain swelling.  They have been decreasing the sedation and ventilator to see if his system is able to handle breathing more and more on his own.  He apparently is not a big fan of the breathing tube and keeps trying to bite it.  We asked again when we would be able to see him and the nurse said that we would only be able to see him if everything goes south and they don’t expect him to survive.  However the nurse will try to setup a FaceTime with mom around noonish.  Dad’s nurse is also working on getting the surgeon to give us a call since it’s been over 2 days without any information from them.  We are asking everyone to please not call mom’s phone (as it is not working well) or call or text dads’s phone as mom is using it for calls from the doctors and nurses and we want to keep it free.  If you have any questions please direct them to either Shawn (435-790-5452)  or Kendall (453-790-9252).


THE BROWNIE TIMES 8:21 PM Monday, May 18

We have heard from one of dads nurses and says he is doing well .  He came out of surgery well and are waiting to take out breathing tube when they think he can handle it.  

Mom says thanks for your prayers.  

We will hopefully talk with the surgeons soon!


THE BROWNIE TIMES 1:37 PM Monday, May 18

The Brownie Times

May 18th, 2020

We found out that those who have had this type of  aneurysm usually don’t make it to the hospital.  We are all feeling very blessed for the doctor here in Vernal who keep trying to diagnose dad’s case and we are grateful his Vernal Dr who was leaded to take action and send dad’s CT scan to the U of U doctors. Dad has been life flighted to SLC U of U.  When he arrived they put him in a Medical Coma and drained fluid off his brain.  Then they will do the surgery once his brain has cooled down.  He will mostly be in the hospital for about 2+ weeks until the doctor’s have made sure there are no complications.  Mom got a hold of the hospital today and they have informed her that they have a no visitor policy.  Both her and Shawn have decided to stay here.  Mom is the only one that can get any information regarding his care.  If any of you have questions, please contact Shawn or myself.  Mom’s iPhone resurrected last night and she can receive calls now but we want to keep her stress level down.  She feels at peace with everything knowing that dad is in good hands.  We thanks you all for your prayers and ask that you keep praying for dad and the doctors.
