Sunday, May 31, 2020

THE BROWNIE TIMES 5:15 PM Sunday, May 31

Evening Update

We were not able to setup a FaceTime call today.  However the kind nurse allowed mom to talk with dad over the speaker phone.  Mom talked for about 1-2 minutes.  Once she was done she asked the nurse if dad had any response.  The nurse said dad opened his eyes and looked around from mom.  His eyes were completely open!  Mom had a very relieved look on her face when she ended the call with the nurse.  It was like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders for the first time in 2 weeks. 

We will try again tomorrow for a FaceTime calls and be able to hopefully report more activity.

Again thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.


  1. I am so very pleased to hear this news, I hope this will give your mother some peace and she will be able to rest a bit. Love you guys! Traci
