Friday, May 22, 2020

THE BROWNIE TIMES 4:00 PM Friday, May 22

Today has been a pretty good day for Dad.  Mom got to talk with dad's doctor this afternoon and we have more updated information to give out.  I can only hope that I don't get too technical on any of you!  If I do let me know........

Previous to the surgery, dad's aneurysm had bled into the space between the arteries and the frontal lobe of the brain.  The doctors in Vernal found the blood in the spinal fluid of the spinal tap that was performed on Sunday evening. This led the Vernal team to contact the U of U Neuro department.

Dad's type of aneurysm is called an ACOM aneurysm.  ACOM stands for the Anterior Communication Artery.  This group of arteries are located in the space behind the eye's and the brain called the subarachnoid space that is filled with brain fluid.  When there is an aneurysm there it can be difficult to treat.  This is why the surgeons on dad's case decided to do the coil embolization to treat dad's aneurysm.  The coil fills the aneurysm with material that closes off the sac and reduces the risk of further bleeding.  Dad's aneurysm has a couple of side effects and it's extreme tiredness.  Until they can get dad to be more awake the U of U team says that the breathing tube stays in.

The doctors are going to do further testing to see if there are any deficits in brain function as well as motor skills.  We will update further once we have more information.

Kendall will update everyone on the FaceTime call this afternoon.

If you have any questions about today's update please put them in the comments and we (the royal we) will try to answer them or get more information from the doctors and nurses.

Again thanks for all of your support and prayers.  There has been a humbling amount of support at this time.  It's humbling to see how many lives have been touch by dad.

1 comment:

  1. Prayers flowing from Oregon that you, our dearest Utah family stay strong thru this. Brownie, you have the strength of a lion - fight!
    Much live to all..The Goodin Family
