Sunday, May 31, 2020

THE BROWNIE TIMES 10:28 AM Sunday, May 31

Good Morning Family and Friends!

As family members we have ran into a few glitches in the flow of information.  We have heard a few rumors and we want to set the record straight this morning.......

Rumor #1
Brownie will be home Monday June 1st.

Brownie is still not completely awake and aware of where he is. As part of our research we have confirmed with doctors that he will be fighting tiredness for several weeks.  As of yesterday the doctors told us Brownie will be in the Neuro ICU for at least 5 more days but up to an additional 10 days depending on his improvement.  Once he is out of the Neuro ICU he will be transferred to a care facility until he is ready to begin rehab. 

Rumor #2
Brownie had a heart-attack.

No Brownie's heart is perfectly healthy.  It's his brain we are worried about!

We ask that if any of the people using this blog for information regarding Brownie's medical case to help our family to keep rumor's at a minimum.  You are invited to direct concerned friends and family  members to this Blog for updates or information regarding anything posted to the blog by either Carrie or Kendall.  We read all the comments to make sure if there are questions we can help address it.  So keep putting in those comments I know mom enjoys reading them.

Case Update:
We spoke to dad's nurse this morning and it looks like dad is responding more to his surrounding.  The nurse says he keeps moving his legs and he still hates having his sheet and blankets tucked round his legs.  (Now I know where I got it from when in the ICU almost 20 years ago!). The nurse said that dad's eyes are opening fully and he looks around his room.  He is still unable to talk because of the tracheotomy.  However he is able to breathe on his own during the day with a nasal cannula providing oxygen. He only uses the ventilator through the tracheotomy tube at night.

The doctor have decided to wean him off the drain in his brain ("drain in his brain" reminds me of a line in an old Danny Kaye movie called Court Jester.  "The vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true").  The nurses will start monitoring the pressure of the brain fluid to see if dad can handle it.  If he can they will increase the pressure a little bit at a time. 

We will be trying to FaceTime him today if it can be arranged.  The Social Worker assigned dad case has the weekends off but the nurse will try to find us an other person to help us with that.

Again we thank all those who have been supporting us through this trying time.  We are so grateful to have our family and friends that have become part of our extended family.  May God bless you with the knowledge that He has a plan for each of us and if we listen He will guide us through the many trials we are faced with in this life.

Wedding Picture.  August 24, 1967


  1. Awww what a great picture. Thank you so much for taking time to share your journey with us. I am praying for you all. Love from the Huntings

  2. Thank you all for sharing the information love you guys my heart and thoughts are with you guys
