Thursday, June 4, 2020

THE BROWNIE TIMES 10:00 AM Thursday, June 4th

Morning Update

We got a call from the doctors on dad case last night.  They have discovered the draining system they put in his head is still needed.  What has happened is that some of the blood that hasn't drained out has formed scabs over the normal draining system for the brain fluid.  Today they will be going in and putting in a shunt that will drain the brain fluid to dad's stomach.  We do not have an exact time for the procedure but we do know it will take anywhere from 1 to 1.5 hours.

This is one more step in getting dad to a point he can get to the next step of his recovery.  We have an estimated time for the move to Promise Hospital, Tuesday of next week. (Remember that this timeline is all in theory, it's not a guarantee that he will be moved that day.)

We spoke with dad's nurse this morning and nothing has changed in his case, other than the doctors have reviewed the MRI taken yesterday and are changing the plan for the shunt.  We still do not have a time for the procedure but will call later this afternoon if we don't hear from them before that.

Good new we are very excited to share!  The hospital will allow us to setup a conference video call with the immediate family for this weekend.  I've been in touch with Neuro's social worker and nurse case manager to set it up.  They are all really excited to help us out.  This will give the brothers and sisters the opportunity to be a part of his day bring brightness to his Sunday afternoon.

We appreciate all your support for our family and for our father.  We have been grateful for the calls, messages, visits and prayers.  We have felt an out pouring of blessings these last few weeks.  Especially on the day's it's hard to keep a smile on our faces!

Here's a few faces that may seem familiar

1 comment:

  1. I remember going to harry and fontellas what an awesome place to go on vacation. I never got to know brownie till the last ten years but wished i had. Brownie and i could sit and talk for days wether it be politics, family, or just talking septics.
