Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Hello All,

Dad is doing really well in his new space at Promise. He has been evaluated by different therapists (speech, Occupational, etc....). But, we are awaiting results from these evaluations. Speech therapy should be calling mom tomorrow to discuss mom's hopeful participation in speech therapy. She got to FaceTime dad today. He was able to do everything that mom asked him to do. But, still had a hard time keeping his eyes open. However, his eyes were open twice so mom was thrilled.

There is a CT Scan scheduled for July 15th and he will also be meeting with the surgeon that did his coil at that time. They still have him on anti-seizure medication to keep him from having brain seizures and going into a stroke.

The Nurse told Mom tonight that when she asked dad if he remembered what happened and knew where he was he nodded yes. He also let her know that he was not in any pain. YAY!  We Love Progress! All in All things are good and going in the right direction. Again we thank everyone for all the love.

The Tomlinson Clan

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